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When you hear the word “deadbeat,” you automatically think bad things.  According to former MBNA employee, Jerry Young, a credit card deadbeat is the insider term used by credit card company executives, that refers to credit card users who pay off their bills promptly and in full each month. Doesn’t sound too bad, right? By doing so, such customers pay no interest and prevent the bank or creditor from making any profit. Alternatively, what endears you to the credit card folks is to be a “revolver.” A revolver is a credit card user that constantly carries a balance and is charged regular, monthly interest on their charges. Sounds a little bit like Alice in Wonderland?


1.  Look at the article, ” I’m a Credit Card Deadbeat: You Can Be One Too!” by Stephanie Andrews (!&id=81004). What was the most interesting way that she was able to get credit card companies to pay her for using their cards?

2. According to Ms. Andrews, ” To be a credit card deadbeat you need persistence, determination, and discipline.”  If you were doing a cost/benefit analysis of following her advice, what do you think were the costs that the article did not discuss?

3.   According to Jerry Young, how long did it take on average for a credit card company to develop a revolver?  Do you think this has changed under the current economic conditions?  Explain.

4.  Research Jerry’s old company, MBNA.  What happened to the firm? 


Andrews, Stephanie. ” I’m a Credit Card Deadbeat: You Can Be One Too!”, Finance/Credit Section (Retrievable online at!&id=81004)

Americans for Fairness in Lending. “Deadbeat Customers” video (Retrievable online at

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